How do Digital Pregnancy Tests Work ?

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The consist of Digital Pregnancy Test Kit


Our Digital Pregnancy Test Kits consists of monitor and test stick, the monitor with button to eject the stick and the LCD display to tell you the test result.


For the monitor is resuable, can be used about 100 times at home and more than 400 times at Lab, so can be used at home and Healcare Department, then you can match about 1-5 Pregnancy test sticks for the monitor, but of course, you can order the pregnancy test sticks more if you need it.


To ensure that you use the monitor correctly, read the instructions carefully.



Step 1:

This is monitor, the eject buttom, when the test is finished, press the buttom, the stick will out. The display screen, can show the result. Remove the pregnancy test stick from the foil pouch. This is the absorbent sampler which will collect the sample. 

Step 2:

Collect urine in a clean and dry cup , you can also Put just the absorbent sampler pointing downwards into your urine stream. Please note: Avoid excessive fluid intake 2 hours before you are ready to test

Step3 Assemble test stick with monitor

Insert the pregnancy test stick into the monitor until locked completely. Make sure HCG symbol facing up and is shown on the same side of LCD display. You will feel a slight “click”, in the mean while, all symbols “HCG 1+ 2+ 3+ LH + – ?” displayed along with beeps shortly, after displayed symbols one by one, the monitor beeps again with a steady “HCG” on the display. See Figure 2. Now it’s ready to proceed.

Step 4 Perform the test

Put just the absorbent sampler into your collected urine for at least 20 seconds,

Step 5 Wait for result

After the absorbent sampler is saturated with urine, lay the monitor on a flat surface with the display facing up. Few seconds later the monitor will beeps and the “HCG” symbol will flash to show the test is working.

Step 6 Reading your result

Around 5 minutes, the display will show your result with beeps shortly.

My result is not pregnant.

Step7 Eject the Test Stick

After you have read the result, press the eject button on the monitor to remove the test stick.



1.The monitor is reusable, but the test sticks are disposable.
2. After opening the test stick foil wrapper, use the test stick straight away.
3. Please eject the stick as soon as the test is finished, for it can prelong the life of the monitor.
4.Reduce the liquid intake before taking the test. 1.The test result will show on the LCD display for about 60 minutes after test, so read your result as soon as your hear the beeps or around 5 minitutes.

Other conditions:

If your result is HCG1+, you conceived approximately 1-2 weeks ago.
If your result is HCG2+, you conceived approximately2-3 weeks ago.
If your result is HCG3+, you conceived more than 3 weeks ago.
If HCG show on your display, it means you don’t have a test, just test it immediately.
If HCG 1+ 2+ 3+ LH + – ? flashing on your display, it maybe caused by too much or too less urine was applied. You should repeat the test with a new test stick.