Why do I need a BV test?

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What is a bacterial vaginosis (BV) test?


Bacterial vaginosis(BV) is the most common vaginal infection in women of reproductive age. An acidic vaginal pH value of 3.8 to 4.5 is a basic requirement for the optimal fuctioning of the body’s own system of protecting the vagina. The balance of the vaginal acid is an important indicator for the vaginal health of women, change in vaginal pH is indicative of Bacterial Vaginosis.

Why do I need a BV test?

You may need testing if you have symptoms of BV. These include:

  • An unusual vaginal discharge that can be gray or white. It may also be foamy or watery.
  • A strong, fish-like odor, especially after sex
  • Pain and/or itching in the vagina
  • Itching around the outside of the vagina
  • Burning feeling when urinating (peeing)

You may also need a test if you have a female sex partner who has BV or symptoms that could be BV.