Why do I need a ferritin blood test?

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What is a Ferritin Blood Test?

A ferritin blood test measures the level of ferritin in your blood. Ferritin is a protein that stores iron inside your cells. You need iron to make healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Iron is also important for healthy muscles, bone marrow, and organs, including brain development in children.

Too little or too much iron in your body can cause serious health problems if not treated. A ferritin blood test can show how much iron you have stored in your body.

Other names: serum ferritin, serum ferritin level, ferritin serum

What is it used for?

A ferritin blood test is used to help check your iron levels. It can help your health care provider find out if your body is storing the right amount of iron to stay healthy.

The test may also be used to:

  • Help diagnose or rule out conditions related to iron levels, including:
    • Hemochromatosis, having too much iron in your body (also called iron overload)
    • Iron deficiency anemia, having too few red blood cells because you lack iron
    • Liver diseases (much of the ferritin in your body is stored in your liver.)
    • Restless legs syndrome, a tingling or burning feelings in your legs that may be caused by a lack of iron
    • Adult Still disease (also called adult-onset Still disease or AOSD), an uncommon disease that causes joint pain, fever, and rash, often with high ferritin levels
  • Monitor chronic (long-lasting) conditions that may affect your irons levels, such as cancerkidney disease, and autoimmune diseases

If you’re being treated for problems with iron, the test may be used to check how well the treatment is working.

Why do I need a ferritin blood test?

You may need this test if you have symptoms of iron levels that are too low or too high.

Symptoms of iron levels that are too low include:

Symptoms of iron levels that are too high can vary and tend to get worse over time. Symptoms may include:

You may also need this test if the results of other blood tests s